Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Doctor visit and Job

So I went to my doctor earlier today about my depression as of late. He diagnosed it as "severe situational depression" basically meaning in a few months it should go away on it's own. But in the meantime he put me on some low dosage anti-depressants to help me deal with the pain I've been feeling, and gave me a sleeping agent to help me get to bed.

I'm trying my best to work through this. Honestly at this point I'd take an open apology from her and be done with it. I wanted her to give me a second chance, now I'd settle for just an apology for the way she hurt me.

Anyways, I did get the job, I should probably start next week. Although because of all this I just can't feel excited about it, which is what is making me angry.

Thanks for reading guys, this sleeping pill is kicking in so I'll see you all later. Take care.


  1. Well, great to hear that you got the job at least! Good luck.

  2. Maybe you'll meet some cool coworkers and things'll pick up from there. Look at the bright side!

  3. Hang in the, bro. I know it's tough, but it will get better.

  4. Hey man, sounds like that is somewhat good news from the doc at least. Your feelings are very understandable and I hope things keep reassuring you that life can be good these next couple of months.

  5. Just keep trying everyday, eventually things will turn around.

  6. They have me on Lexapro and some low dose tranquilizer thing.

  7. Argh! No, not pills. I implore you to try and get through this without taking them anymore.
    Try to focus on your new job.
    Even if you don't feel excited about it, just focusing on it can help. It's easy to slip back in to the negative thought patterns, you have to force yourself to pay attention to other things, no matter how mundane.

    You should still try juggling.

  8. Hoping you pull through, and congrats on getting the job :)

  9. Good luck man, it gets better.

  10. Hope the meds work in the short term and that you start feeling better in the long term.

  11. You should really stop hinging your recovery on her apologizing. You are better than her, and have your own life to live mate. <3

  12. carefull with those pills dude

  13. My girlfriend was on Zoloft for her depression, and it really helped. Eventually she got to the point where she didn't need it.

  14. situational depression? i guess she really did a number on ya. keep your head up bud

  15. if you get on the harder shit you will come to realize that true happiness can only come once you're off the meds. But the meds make shit easier for the time being. And the sleep meds will be a great thing minus trying to wake up. Good luck /b/rother.

  16. i hope things start picking up for you soon! cheeeer up things will get better

  17. I really hope things get better for you soon, just hang in there bro.

  18. whoa dude!! you need to meet some awesome friends! heres one <---

  19. Look on the bright side :p alot of people don't have jobs these days
