Sunday, November 7, 2010


So lately I've been having this reoccuring thought...almost like a dream but I'm awake when it happens.

Basically, I'll be standing around doing nothing special. Thinking mostly. All the sudden it's like my vision gets blurry and I lose focus on what's going on. Apparently my mom has to practically yell at me to get my attention when it happens. I just kind of stare off into space for a few seconds sometimes a minute or so. It almost feels like...I don't really know how to describe it. Like a memory? Like something from a past life or something crazy, I don't know.

Anyways, I'm always walking through these woods, it's usually dark but there have been a few times where it was so bright. So I'll be walking through these weird woods, and I notice this...Door? Like a storm cellar, or a bunker entrance or something. The closer I get to this door or hatch or whatever it is, the more painful it becomes to get closer towards it. I feel like I'm getting tired. Like the energy or motivation is just being pulled right out of me.

Now I know this is probably just a daydream or a full blown dream, but I am honest to god SCARED to open this door. I snap out of this little phase and I feel a tightening in my stomach. Like it's twisting in knots.

What is this? Is there a name for this type of thing? Should I check myself into some looney bin? It feels like I've been there before, but it scares me to the point where I close myself off after it happens. What should I do about it?

Friday, November 5, 2010

No longer jobless!

Well gadies and lentlemen, I got the job!

It's not a fancy position and the pay isn't amazing, but it is my first job and it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. I start work next week! The best part is, the girl I'll be working with is 19, single, and oh so lovely. Now if that doesn't get my mind of my ex then there is something wrong with me. :)

Thank you all so much for reading, and take care!

Monday, November 1, 2010


I have two quick things to say!

1. 350 Followers! Woot!

2. It's getting easier to push past the depression, and I'm done trying to get in contact with her!

Yay me!

You guys have a great night, and take care. :)